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Python is a modern programming language that emerged in December 1989, created by Guido Van Rossum. It was his time passing project during his Christmas holidays. There is a strange rumor that it was named after a constrictor snake but the fact is, it was named after the British comedy troupe Monty Python’s flying circus.

Python was built out of ABC language, an abolished project of the Dutch CWI research institution that Van Rossum worked in, and the Amoeba distributed operating system. Amoeba created a necessity for a scripting language which urged Van Rossum to create Python.

Python 2.0 was released by the BeOpen Python lab team in the year 2000. The ethos of 2.0 had a lot of advantages such as transparency, openness, and community-oriented. The most important changes made was not in programming but in the development

Python 3 was released in the year 2008. It was a complete outstrip among all the languages with impeccable advantages. Python 3 emerged as one and only an obvious way to do things.


There are pros and cons to everything, likewise, python has certain positive and negative characteristics


Python is a general-purpose coding language used for Software development, back end development, Web designing, Data science, and much more.
Python has several applications and its syntax is easily readable and understandable. Python is considered to be much more productive than any other programming language. The language has undergone rigorous change since its release 25 years ago.

Even the software development companies prefer the Python language because of its versatile nature and fewer programming codes. Statistically, nearly 14% of the programmers use it on their Operating systems.

The salient features of python that led to the overwhelming attention from the programmers in recent years are:
‌>> High level
‌>> Interactive
‌>> Dynamic
‌>> Object-oriented
‌>> Portable


>>Python is slow as compared to C/C++ or Java. >>Unlike Java or other programming languages such as C or Swift, Python is an interpreted language. Because of this nature, Android does not natively support Python apps.

>>Other limitations of python include the incompatibility between the two versions of python(2. and 3.).

>>Python's memory consumption is very high due to the flexibility of data-types. Moreover, Python's limited threading and multiprocessing capabilities, remain major roadblocks to its future development.


Python is evolving rapidly as a high-level and general-purpose programming language, Python is also an object-oriented and open source. Most of the developers across the world have been making use of Python to create GUI applications, websites, and mobile apps. The differentiating factor that Python has compared to other programming languages are, enables programmers to flesh out concepts by writing less and readable code.

>> Web and Internet Development
>> Desktop GUI Applications
>> Science and Numeric
>> Software Development
>> Education
>> Game Development
>> Database Access
>> Network Programming are some of the trending applications of python


Python provides many choices for Web development
Python uses frameworks such as Django and Pyramid to create web applications. We also use Microframeworks such as Bottle and Flask. It provides libraries to handle internet protocols such as HTML and XML, JSON, Email processing, request, FTP, IMAP, and easy-to-use socket interface. Yet, the package index has more libraries:
>> Requests – An HTTP client library
>> BeautifulSoup – An HTML parser
>> feedparser – For parsing RSS/Atom feeds
>> Paramiko – For implementing the SSH2 protocol
>> Twisted Python – For asynchronous network programming


The Tk GUI library included with the binary distributions of Python. We can create user interfaces for various applications using Tk. The toolkits are available on several platforms such as wxWidgets, Kivy for writing multitouch applications.

There are many toolkits available for building GUI as well. You can use platform-specific toolkits like GTK+, Microsoft Foundation Classes through win32 extensions, and Delphi.


Python usage widely spread in the Mathematics field for computation:
>> SciPy is the package used for solving mathematics, science, and engineering.
>> Pandas is the package used for data analysis and modeling libraries.
>> IPython is used as a powerful interactive shell that features easy editing and recording of a work session, supports visualizations, and parallel computing.
>> The Software Carpentry Course helps to teach basic skills for scientific computing, running boot camps, and providing open-access teaching materials.


Python is a supporting language for software developers. They use it for management and build-control, testing, and for many other purposes:
>> SCons – for build-control
>> Buildbot, Apache Gump – for automated and continuous compilation and testing
>> Roundup, Trac – for project management and bug-tracking.


Python is an excellent language for teaching programming, both at the basic level and in more advanced courses.


Python is also used in the development of interactive games. The libraries such as PySoy, which is a 3D game engine supporting python3, PyGame, that provides functionality and a library for the development of games.
Python has been used to develop games such as Civilization-IV, Disney’s Toontown Online, Vega Strike, etc.


Python helps to:
>> Custom and ODBC interfaces to Oracle MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, and others. These are freely available for download.
Object databases like Durus and ZODB
Standard Database API


Python provides support for lower-level network programming:
>> Twisted Python – A framework for asynchronous network programming.
>> An easy-to-use socket interface.

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